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Email Verification API for Developers

Add comprehensive email verification capabilities to your existing workflows.

Start with 250 credits for free. No credit card required.
API Request/Response example

Everything you need

Email Validation

Use our Email Validation Service to clean your email lists. Reduce bounces and remove low-quality contacts to protect your sender score. Improve your email marketing performance.

Mailbox deliverability check

Tests if the target email server accepts emails for a given mailbox (without sending an email)

Disposable email address detection

Over 3000+ domains of temporary email services we know to detect disposable email addresses.

Catch-All detection

Detecting common catch-all email addresses which has often a low open rate.

Syntax Validation

Detects and removes email addresses with invalid syntax immediately.

Domain checks

Verifiying the email domain. Domain exists and is configured to accept emails.

Quality Score

Each email address gets a score to rate the quality of the email address.

API integration

Use CampaignKit's API to integrate the Validation Service into your processes.

Simple worry-free pricing

Simple and affordable pricing. Choose between our simple plans. Validate 10k emails for under 20$

Ready to dive in?Start your free trial today.

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